Monday, December 14, 2020

Common English Errors by Wankari



~ASUU meeting WILL HOLD next week.❌

~ASUU meeting WILL BE HELD next week.✅


Hold, in this situation, is used in the passive form, not present as in example 2.

Note: ASUU will hold a meeting next week✅

~Mal. Halima knows the IN and OUT of the English phonology.❌

~Mal. Halima knows the INS and OUTS of the English phonology.✅


INS and OUTS means to know all the details about something, especially difficult ones. In striking contrast, 'in' and 'out' means going to a place regularly.

Note:The thief was in and out of the prison since childhood.✅

~Don't fall victim OF malpractice!❌

~Don't fall victim TO malpractice!✅

~Audu is not a victim OF malpractice.✅


Fall victim TO means to be affected by something. On top of that, whenever 'fall' comes before 'victim', always use 'to' rather than 'of'.

Have you learnt anything today?

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